Sunday, August 28, 2011

Busy busy busy

Its been a pretty busy couple of days! My parents are coming to visit next week (very excited) and they have only seen our new house on the day we moved in (they helped) and for a week or so after. At the time we didnt have any furniture for our media room or our second bedroom so they were just full of junk. Im very excited for them to see all the changes we have made over the last 9 months or so!

So I have been running around trying to get the house in order and putting the finishing touches on some of the rooms! This week I was lucky enough to get my Zoe Ingram prints!! I decided to put them in my restored frames, which I painted white. Lucky I have a lovely fiance who spent a good half an hour placing them on the lounge room wall! They look perfect under the light dont you think?

(They are actually straight on the wall, just my bad photography...)

We also got our new coffee table from Hunter Furniture for our media room! Im in love with it!

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